Friday, July 11, 2008


We had a 60th birthday party for my Dad today. His birthday is really in May, but in May the whole family wasn't in town, so we did it today. We saw a lot of family members we have not seen in a while. We "stole" one of ry-ry's kids to tell everyone she was our own. We named her Ingrid and had a whole backstory for her. She was born on Diana's birthday, Diana was just opening a red scarf that I had gotten for her. The kids got her some flip-flops. Diana went in to labor and we thought that maybe she wouldn't be born on Diana's birthday because she was in labor for a long time. But little Ingrid was born at 11:52PM.

Great story.
Here is a picture of "Ingrid." Diana wanted to name her "Bailey" but it was my background story - so too bad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your kids got her Flip-Flops in January? Highly doubtful. I would not have bought the story.