Tuesday, July 29, 2008

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Remember when all you wanted for your new car was a pimping sound system? I do. The new car buyer does not want this, they want portability. As someone that has had 2 different iPod to car connectors I will let you know that my first one (iTrip mini by Belkin) was pretty junky, it worked OK, I just had to have the volume on my iPod up all the way to make it work well. My current connector is an all-in-one iTrip and it works great. I love it. The sound is great, it does not matter what my volume is set on, and I can change the FM frequency that it broadcasts. Love it!

Apple is preparing new laptops. I no longer use Macs, I used to only use them. I can currently do anything that I want to on a Mac or on a PC. I do like to keep up on the Mac world, Apple makes great products and I like to see and touch them.

It is finally happening. All the people that love texting and IM are finally graduating college and think it is appropriate to write business emails like they text their friends. I rarely use an emoticon let alone write in text code when at work - or even for fun. I just cannot do it. I look at some things that people text and I can barely read it because of all the shorthand.

Jordan has nightmares when he reads scary books, movies, or anything scary. This experiment should have had Jordan participate and the findings would have been completely different.

RIM has announced the touch-screen Blackberry. I might want this.

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