Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I do not really want to get that into politics here on the blog, but some things just have to be said and talked about. Today I read this. After I finished reading I was mad. What kind of people are these Texas Republicans? I cannot believe that anyone would allow this, or is it one of those, "any publicity is good publicity." Now I am not an Obama-lover, but I will be voting for him. I think most people know that Bush has not been a good president (some of the lowest approval ratings in history) and a vote for McCain is a vote that Bush-policy should continue. Before you say that McCain is not Bush...look at their records. Look at what they agree on. Every major item that Bush has messed up royally is a something that McCain agrees with Bush on. McCain is also a huge jerk. He has done things that are criminal if he was not in the senate.

Also, any woman that voted for McCain after hearing his history and how he got married to his current wife can never speak about the Clinton's and how they ruined the presidency. McCain is not a good man. He has done some good things, but he is not a good man.

Before you want to flame me...check the facts. Check the history. I am just reporting the truth. Here are a couple links to news stories on this subject. Story 1, Story 2, Story 3, Story 4

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